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10 articles
What is StaffTraveler?
Contact support
How to get StaffTraveler?
Inviting friends
Is StaffTraveler only for non-rev loads?
I can’t log in
Where is StaffTraveler located?
I represent an airline and have some questions regarding StaffTraveler
View all articles in “General”
Joining StaffTraveler
10 articles
How can I join StaffTraveler?
Can I join StaffTraveler if I'm family or a buddy of an airline employee?
How do I prove that I work(ed) for an airline?
Where do I send my proof of employment?
I'm the partner of someone who works for an airline. Can I join?
I'm a family member of someone who works for an airline. Can I join?
My account is pending, what does that mean?
Problems with verifying your email address
View all articles in “Joining StaffTraveler”
11 articles
How to request flight loads?
How to read loads?
How to request an update of the loads?
I want to fly from A to B via C, why does this cost two credits?
My request does not get answered
The loads I got are incorrect
I got old load information
Deleting a request
View all articles in “Requests”
Responding to requests
7 articles
Responding to a request
I don't get a chance to answer requests
I have access to the loads of multiple airlines
My company doesn’t allow us to respond to flights, can I still use StaffTraveler?
I updated loads but did not receive a credit
What do the codes in my booking system mean?
I've accidentally entered the wrong loads, what do I do?
7 articles
The credit system explained
How to get credits?
I bought credits but don't see them in my account
Do credits expire?
What do credits cost?
How many credits does a request cost?
An error occurs when purchasing credits
10 articles
Changing your name
Changing your email address
Changing your profile picture
Changing your airline
Changing your home base
Privacy settings
How to change my password?
Changing your credit card
View all articles in “Settings”
2 articles
Managing notifications
I'm not receiving notifications
5 articles
Commenting anonymously
Does StaffTraveler keep a record of the flights I responded to?
Does StaffTraveler sell my information?
What information does StaffTraveler store about me?
When I respond to requests, I don’t want anyone to see my name
5 articles
How can StaffTraveler have such low rates?
Browsing deals on your computer
How can I manage my hotel booking?
How and where do I find car rental prices?
How can I manage my car rental booking?
9 articles
Which airlines are represented on StaffTraveler?
Where do I find airline-specific, non-rev related info?
I represent an airline
Thai Airways
Turkish Airlines
Delta Air Lines
View all articles in “Airlines”
1 article
I have a business I’d like to promote on StaffTraveler
17 articles
Jackpot Requests
Auto Updates
Pin flights
Favorite your most used airports
Flight search filters
Swipe requests to pin or delete
Quick date picker
Re-use recently used routes or flight numbers
View all articles in “Features”
17 articles
How to choose the ideal cruise
Before booking
After booking
I need help, who do I contact?
Eligibility - Who qualifies, and how many cabins can I book?
VISAs and vaccinations
Who will process my booking?
Who holds my money and will process payment?
View all articles in “Cruises”
2 articles
Choose a 12 or 24 hour clock format
Select the starting day for your calendar
Refund policy
3 articles
When do I get a credit refund for a request?
When does StaffTraveler re-open a request?
When do I receive the refund?